Friday, January 31, 2014

Apathy Kills

Apathy is defined as the absence or suppression of passion, emotion, or excitement.  It is also a lack of interest or concern.

Are you apathetic to the point of being a detriment to your own health?  Think about this in terms of gun training.  You grew up hunting and of course know the basics of firearm safety.  You go to the range somewhat regularly and plink with your pistols, shotguns, and rifles.  You felt your rights slipping away and decided you had better get your concealed carry permit before Obama takes away all the guns.  You might have even gone as far as taking a basic NRA safety course...

Now in the world of recreational firearms ownership, all this is acceptable, and well within your rights, but in the real world of defensive shooting, all that doesn't mean jack!  Oh wait, you were in the Navy 40 years ago, and had to qualify yearly with a pistol?  Well that really means something.  Surely now I would have to agree that you are prepared to carry a pistol in defense of yourself and others...

WAKE UP!  Please, for the love of your family, your country, and your fellow man; get more training! 

"Ok mister know it all, how do you define quality training?"  Well I'm glad you asked! Here's a short list of things to look for when choosing a class and an instructor.
1.  The instructor must be a decent communicator.  If you leave a class saying, "well that was good information, but man that guy really needs to learn how to teach" then you probably got what you paid for.  Maybe less.
2.  Look for curriculum that fits your reality.  If the other men in the class have long beards, contractor caps, and tattoos, and they are talking about infil, exfil, and principle protection, you might be in the wrong class...
3.  I'm saying this as an NRA instructor: the only NRA classes worth your time and money are Personal Protection Inside/Outside the Home.  And these are potentially worthless based on #1 above.
4.  If an instructor uses the term "zombie apocalypse" in a way that makes you believe that he really thinks it could happen... turn and run!  Fast.

5.  The Quality Instructor will talk about ambush, bio-mechanics, physiology, point or intuitive shooting, the balance of speed and precision, understanding operational environment, use of cover, fighting in and around vehicles, drawing and presenting a pistol from concealment, proper grip, stances other than the weaver, lateral movement, the OODA loop, combat reloads, weapon retention, Hicks law, and combat accuracy.  These are just the topics off the top of my head.  There is way more to carrying a concealed handgun for personal defense than most people realize.  So get more training- you never know when the zombies will attack! ;)

In Summary:  get quality training or you are apathetic.  If you are apathetic toward training you will die quickly.  "You will never rise to your best intentions.  You will fall to your level of training." (Archilochus, Greek Soldier)

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